My Cobone Vouchers
Corona Virus Update
If you’ve already purchased a Cobone voucher, we will be working with our merchants to extend the validity of vouchers where possible.
For any questions about whether a merchant is open for business, please contact them. Their contact information is on your purchased voucher.
If you need to return your voucher, we are happy to offer you Cobone store credit for your unused voucher.
If you need to contact us, please note that our Customer Support Team has also been impacted by this situation and you will experience delays. Please bear with us during this situation.
Thanks for your continued loyalty and support and we extend our best wishes to you and your loved ones during this time.
I bought a Cobone voucher – how do I use it?
After purchasing the deal, you will receive an email with your Cobone voucher and necessary details. Your Cobone voucher will have detailed information on how it should be redeemed. All you have to do is print out the Cobone voucher and exchange it on arrival.
You also can access and print your purchased vouchers at any time from the My Account section- just click on the button and you will be able to see your purchased vouchers as well as other account details.
What do I do if I don’t get an email?
Sometimes our emails are blocked or filtered and even our email servers get tired occasionally.
You can access and print your purchased vouchers from the My Account section in the top menu- just click on the button and you will be able to see your purchased vouchers as well as other account details.
Do I need to use my Cobone voucher on the same day that I buy it?
No. Each voucher has its own expiry date. Please check the validity period on your Cobone voucher for more details.
If I don’t use the full value of the Cobone voucher in one visit, do I get a credit for the remainder?
No. Every deal has its own terms and conditions and Cobone vouchers are non-refundable in all cases. It is advisable to read the conditions of a deal before buying it.
Can I combine my Cobone voucher with other offers or specials?
No. Not unless the Cobone voucher specifically states otherwise.
Your partner won’t redeem my voucher and it has not expired.
If you have trouble redeeming your Cobone voucher please let us know.
Can I buy a Cobone voucher as a gift for someone else?
Yes, absolutely! Cobone vouchers make a great gift to present to your loved ones.
Cobone Payment Info
Do the prices on Cobone include VAT?
From 1st January 2018 all prices on Cobone will include VAT if applicable.
Why is the Tax Invoice for less than the amount I paid to Cobone?
The Tax invoice relates to only those items Cobone is responsible to collect the VAT on.
The Merchant will provide a further Tax Invoice for the balance if applicable.
Am I billed as soon as I buy a Cobone voucher?
Yes; however if a deal gets cancelled, you will be refunded.
Can I use Apple Pay on Cobone?
Yes, Apple Pay is currently available in both UAE and KSA.
To pay using Apple Pay, please make sure you have your card saved in Apple Wallet, your device is updated and you are signed in with your Apple ID.
Once you have added your items to the basket, just click on "Buy with Apple Pay" button to get your confirmation screen.
On the confirmation screen, verify your details and confirm to process the payment.
How does PointsPay work?
-On the checkout page, select PointsPay as a payment option.
-You will be redirected to pointspay website.
-Select your loyalty program and sign in
-Pay by points/miles or a combination of points and another payment method
Does accept cheques?
Cobone offers a wide range of payment options; however for banking and reconciliation reasons cheques are strictly not accepted.
Is Cobone safe?
Yes! Your credit card number is transmitted by SSL directly to a secure electronic vault. Your personal and credit card details are safe at all times.
“Remember My Details” Feature when paying with credit or debit card
There is a point of purchase feature that will autofill your credit or debit card information for future payments. If you leave the box ticked, next time you purchase, you will simply need to type in the CVC number that is on the back of the card. If you don’t want to use this feature simply untick the box. does not store full card information.
You can also add more than one card for ease of payment by clicking the “New Card” button and your cards can be managed from the Card Payment screen.
Cobone for Partners
How can I feature my business on Cobone?
If you have a business that you would like to feature on the Number 1 group buying website and App in the Middle East, we’d love to hear from you and discuss how we can drive business to your door, increase your revenue and develop a long term partnership for your online market.
Tap into the hottest way to sell - Contact us via our email form and select ‘Feature My Business on’ from the drop down list.
Email us:
[email protected]
About Cobone
Why do you feature multiple deals a day?
With so many popular brands in the Middle East looking to get a fair share of the market, Cobone aims at getting as many great deals as it can for its customers. Our goal is to give our customers the best of everything at the lowest possible price.
What kind of deals does Cobone feature?
You can find the best Dining, Beauty & Spa, Activities, Auto and Travel deals on Cobone.
There is always something for everyone!